Contact me with your questions and I will post the answers here.

How can a coach help?

  • A coach helps the client to identify and clarify their goals, objectives, and desires and empowers them to create an action plan to achieve them.
  • A coach provides the questions (not the answers) that help the client to achieve success in the desired areas. In this process the coach is a good listener, compassionate, caring, nurturing, motivating, inspiring, and empowering.
  • A coach is honest with the client and does not make unrealistic promises.
  • A coach treats the client with dignity and respect.
  • A coach works with the client of the client’s long-term success.
  • A coach allows the client to be accountable for their progress.
  • A coach helps the client to identify and remove limiting beliefs and other roadblocks.
  • A coach helps the client to step outside of their comfort zone to achieve their goals and dreams and even to surpass them.

Why are patient education and advocacy so important?

  • Educating a patient about their illnesses, disease processes, medications, and general health and wellness are essential to good patient care.
  • A patient’s understanding about health insurance benefits is important in maximizing the benefits that can be derived from their policy.
  • A patient’s lack of access to care is not always due to a lack of funds. It may be due to a lack of knowledge of the services that are available to them.
  • A patient may not always understand what is explained at a doctor’s visit and may not know what types of questions to ask.
  • A patient may have need of services that are not covered by their health insurance policy and may not be aware of community resources available to them.
  • All of these reasons and others exist that may necessitate consulting with a professional who can educate and advocate for the patient.

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